AAW Grants

Purpose of the AAW Grants Program

  • Provide educational opportunities that expand and enrich the entire woodturning community. 
  • Provide ways that woodturning skills may be shared with local chapters, the community, schools, and others. 
  • Create opportunities for woodturners who would otherwise not be financially able. 
  • Provide outreach to underrepresented populations (women, disabled, minority, etc.) to introduce and encourage them in their pursuit of woodturning. 
  • Provide opportunities for woodturning professionals to enrich and encourage creative growth, research, or inspiration for new directions in turned wood art.


Grant Types

Please submit only one grant application per individual or organization. Frequency or eligibility for receiving grants over multiple years will be noted within the specific grant application.

  • Educational Opportunity Grant (EOG) Financial Grants – Awards to individuals (adults and students), chapters, and other woodturning-related associations.
  • Educational Opportunity Grant (EOG) Lathe & Equipment Grants – Packages contain: Jet Mini Lathe (non-variable speed), set of Crown tools, tool package (to be determined), Nova chuck, and a faceshield.
  • Symposium Grants
  • Professional Outreach Program (POP) Fellowship Grants
  • WIT Women/Other Underrepresented Populations Events & Exhibitions Grant
  • WIT Membership Grants for Women
  • Membership Grants for Accredited Teachers



Except where noted otherwise, grants are awarded annually (once each year calendar year) and grant applications must be received by December 31 of the current year, to be awarded for the following year. 

  • For example, if your grant application is submitted on November 19, 2022 and is subsequently approved by the grants Committee, the funds will be awarded in 2023 for use in 2023.
  • For example, if your grant application is submitted on January 19, 2023 and is subsequently approved by the grants Committee, the funds will be awarded in 2024 for use in 2024.



Members of the Grants Committee will score each application for a grant on a scale of 1-5. Only applications receiving the highest scores will be awarded a grant. Scores will be based on the ability of the applicant to meet the purposes of the grant program, and the ability and opportunity of an applicant to share information gained.  Scores may also be based on economic need. Recipients of grants will be notified in the second quarter and must acknowledge acceptance of the grant within 30 days of the notification.


Award & Reporting Process

Recipients of grants will be given one year from the grant award date to use the funds for the intended purpose. When the project or event has been completed, grantees are required to submit a report to the AAW describing how the funds were utilized and how the funds helped advance the AAW mission. When grants are awarded a contract will be sent outlining the reporting requirements. All US organizations and citizens, will be required to send a completed W-9 form to AAW admin.  Click here for a W-9 form.


"AAW presented Culleoka School with an amazing gift, a gift that will open the door to many young students into the wonderful world of woodturning." - Culleoka School


"On behalf of the Barnesville Woodturners, I want to thank the AAW for their generosity in providing the grant money to make a movable grinder tool cabinet expenditure possible. While $744 is a relatively small amount, it is a HUGE amount to a small club with limited financial resources. Thanks again." - Steve Mellott

Apply for a Grant

EOG Financial Grants

The Maxwell Hanrahan Foundation for EOG grants are available for woodturning equipment purchases such as tools, dust collection, face shield equipment, and embellishment supplies. This is offered to help woodturners of all skill levels expand and explore their woodturning knowledge and skills. This grant is for individual woodturners only. The grants for chapters, schools, and other woodturning groups have already been used this year, but will be open again in 2025. Deadline: June 30, December 31.



POP Fellowship Grant

POP Fellowship Grants encourage creative growth or research to provide inspiration for new directions in turned wood art. An applicant might be interested in pushing their work creatively in a new direction, working in collaboration with another artist, exploring new materials, a new way of using existing materials, etc. Deadline: December 31.



WIT Women & Underrepresented Populations Grants

This grant helps fund activities, events, and exhibitions that promote diversity in woodturning and in the AAW by encouraging and assisting women and other underrepresented populations in their participation in the field. Deadlines: January 31, April 30, July 31, and October 31. Awards will be made quarterly in February, May, August, and November. 


Symposium Registration Grants

The AAW will award up to ten certificates for registration to the AAW Annual International Symposium. These certificates will be for registration and may be used for the grant year only. Deadline: April 15 (extended).



AAW Membership Scholarships for Accredited Educators

Accredited educators who provide students with woodturning instruction may apply for a scholarship to cover the cost of a new, one-year membership. This offer is extended to new members for their first year only and is not available to current or former AAW members. Ongoing grant. No deadline.


WIT Membership Grants for Women

To be eligible, a grant recipient must be a woman who has never previously been a member of AAW. Only the chapter AAW WIT Liaison, chapter president or vice-president or current WIT committee member may request the grant. Ongoing grant. No deadline.



"Woodturning has allowed me to have good friends all over the country, creative, artistic people I otherwise would never have known."- Elizabeth Amigo


If you have questions, contact AAW at 877-595-9094 or 651-484-9094 (M-F, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Time) or [email protected].